Clover Imaging Blog

Created: June 14th 2019 By: Keith McKerley Back to All Posts

How to Use DCA's to Generate Cross Selling Opportunities

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Clients look for a dealer who manages print services because they want to have better control of their print environment. Dealers face some obstacles when it comes to providing that control, though, if they don’t have the right tools in their toolbox like data collection agents. It’s a feature that benefits both the client and the dealer. Proper data collection is also the key to finding other revenues in sales.

What is a Data Collection Agent?

As the name suggests, data collection agents are software able to collect data from networked print devices. At one glance, the dealer can tell intricate details of the print environment and the print devices, such as:

  • Maintenance needs
  • Consumable status such as toner
  • Paper usage
  • Page counts
  • Cost-per-copy
  • Device status

Analytical data and remote monitoring are gold mines for dealers looking for ways to expand and optimize their sale program. With a data collection agent, you have all the details necessary at your fingertips to create new sales avenues.

Device Service

Remote monitoring via the data collection agent allows you to tell when a device goes down or is not working at peak. This information puts you ahead of the game. With access to your client’s print network, you can monitor devices and impress clients with a call to alert them of a problem and offer to send a technician to fix it.

Auto Toner Replenishment

A data collection agent provides a full view of all the print devices, so the client no longer has to worry about toner replacement. Once you notice that printers are down because they lack toner, you can use that information to sign the client up with the auto toner replenishment service. No more printers left offline because the client is waiting for a new toner shipment or simply has not noticed that the toner cartridge is empty.

Suggest an Upgrade

The data collection agent will monitor the performance of each machine, so you know when the client will benefit from an upgrade. It gives you time to collect all the personal details necessary to sell the new machine including analysis data to prove why it is time to consider a replacement.

Sell New Features

Monitoring also tells you when a client can benefit from a new feature you offer. If you provide varying levels of managed print services, it could be that your client might be willing to sign up for one that offers features they could use. The data collection agent allows you to do an analysis of their print options and offer customized plans based on the data analysis.

For example, Clover Imaging Group offers the PrintReleaf service that individualizes the paper footprint each client leaves behind. PrintReleaf is patented technology that tracks a clients paper consumption to figure out how many trees are harvested to meet it. To compensate in an environmentally satisfying way, PrintReleaf guarantees to reforest that same number of trees as an offset.

Through PrintReleaf clients can replant a tree for every 8,333 sheets of standard letter paper used. It’s an innovative way for them to reduce their environmental impact. It also offers clients a marketing tool that shows their customers that they care about sustainability and keeping the earth healthy.

The PrintReleaf program integrates with Clover Imaging Group’s Axess Managed Print Services to offer dealers a great way to show they care about both their clients and their planet. With the PrintReleaf services, Clover Imaging Group adds one more way for dealers to prove to their clients that their customer service can beat anything the competition throws their way.

Clover Imaging Group has been providing innovative services to dealers for decades like PrintReleaf. Today, they make environmental sustainability the crux of their operation because they understand the importance of a safe and healthy plant.

Contact Clover Imaging Group to learn more about data collection and their groundbreaking PrintReleaf program.How to Use DCA's to Generate Cross Selling Opportunities