Clover Imaging Blog

Created: January 31st 2020 By: Keith McKerley Back to All Posts

Best Print Assessment Software Sales Practices to Overcome MPS Prospect Objections

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Many managed print services (MPS) sellers are finding it difficult to convince their IT liaison to allow them to load print assessment software onto the company network.

Typical resistance is centered around potential security risks, but there can be other issues as well. In some cases, higher level approval is needed prior to installation and at other times, decision-makers may not have been given a compelling enough reason to proceed with the install.

However, MPS providers understand that getting visibility into an organization's printing activities and costs is crucial to developing an MPS program that solves the customer’s pain points and contributes to their overall productivity.

Meeting the customer’s goals with MPS ensures revolving revenue and a continued relationship as well as the potential for additional sales through corporate contacts, so correctly analyzing their print environment is crucial.

To assist you in breaking through the barriers against the install of print assessment software, we’ve compiled a short list of best practices you can use to enhance your sales techniques for peak performance.

Best Print Assessment Software Sales Practices You Can Use Today

There are several ways you can modify your sales pitch to address resistance to the install of print assessment software in advance of making the ask.

Here are some of the most impactful:

1. Bring in Your Subject Matter Expert Up Front

Many sales representatives are not prepared with the kind of hard-and-fast data IT professionals expect when discussing uploading data collection software. If mistakes are made explaining how the software works or a rep appears unknowledgeable, they can lose credibility, irreparably damaging the sales cycle.

Bringing in a subject matter expert to speak with technical staff on the benefits of print assessment software and the impacts it may have on the network can assuage any fears and instill confidence.

2. Roleplay a Fresh Script

A great way to test your sales presentation and develop winning responses to common objections is to practice roleplaying the situation. For best results, find a knowledgeable IT professional to help you modify your presentation or perhaps a personal small business contact who would be willing to provide feedback.

Roleplay can also reduce anxiety during face-to-face sales presentations, which helps representatives appear more confident and knowledgeable.

If you only have your team members to assist, there are a number of role playing exercises that can help you hone your skills and improve the impact of your pitch.

3. Get Help from Your Customers

Survey current customers who have experienced the benefits of deploying print assessment software in their networks. Make a list of the benefits as they see them and garner testimonials where possible.

Make sure to address any frustrations customers experienced with the install and look for ways to mitigate these in the future.

4. Write — and Hand Out — a Security Whitepaper

Network security is a huge obstacle to get past when trying to sell the installation of data collection software such as print assessment software. Since you know this going in, have your company write a technically competent white paper on network security — and how your software will fit within your customer’s security protocols.

Addressing this objection up front with hard-and-fast data is a great way to alleviate concern. In addition, hard data is appealing to technical professionals and will boost your credibility.

5. Produce References

Having a long list of satisfied customers who have allowed the install of print assessment software will also boost credibility, particularly if some have agreed to be the basis for a case study or have provided written testimonials.

6. Outline the Benefits

Describe, in detail, how the print assessment software will contribute to your client’s productivity, preserve resources, build a better bottom line, and assure business continuity.

If you can, use testimony from other customers to build a strong case for using the software within the auspices of your MPS program.

7. Reach Higher

There’s no doubt that senior level involvement — and endorsement — minimizes resistance and moves you to the front of the line. If you don’t have a C-Level contact, you could face a long uphill battle having to deal with IT personnel or office managers that require upper level approval in order to make decisions.

It’s best to begin your call strategy by located the highest-level manager that will have an interest in the benefits you’re offering.

If you haven’t been focusing on some of these objectives, now is the time to reformulate the way you’re approaching the sales of print management software to increase your success ratio.

Clover Imaging Group — Everything You Need to Sell MPS

Clover Imaging Group is always looking for new ways to help resellers and dealers increase revenue and excel in the managed print services marketplace.

Besides providing timely sales advice, Clover works hard to provide a complete suite of programs, products, and services to give our dealers everything they need to succeed in managed print.

For example, sustainability is a current hot-button topic in our market, and your customers will be thrilled about the added value MPS programs that rely on remanufactured equipment and accessories can offer to their efforts.

Skyrocketing sustainability for dealers and their customers is a critical element of our mission to help you become more competitive in today’s crowded marketplace.

Case in point — our high-quality remanufactured cartridges are the perfect partner for a managed print program value proposition. Our cartridges provide your clients a mix of increased cost savings, excellent performance, and sustainability. In fact, our remanufactured cartridges reduce material usage by 79%, resulting in half the environmental impact of standard cartridges. In addition, Clover has a variety of collection, recycling, and reforestation solutions to help resellers increase their environmental responsibility.

To make it even easier to sell an MPS solution to your customers, Clover offers several partner programs that allow our dealers to leverage the power of ecommerce, take advantage of high-value pricing reductions, and offer customers unparalleled cost savings while providing the highest quality products and services.

If you’re ready to discover the many ways Clover Imaging can assist your organization in developing a strong value proposition for your managed print services program, contact a Clover representative and get started today.